OGTester Recap First Week

What is this about?

I am working on a Software As a Service (SaaS) project. The idea is to develop something functional within 25 days. The limitation is time. I can only work maximum 2 hours and during the weekends 4h on the project. This article is a recap after one week. You can read the more journal-style article for details.

What am I working on?


This year, I decide to solve a pain points I have: Testing Open Graph meta tag changes on the internet. Each time, I change some meta tags on this page, I have to redeploy and share the link to see if it worked. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, the results are cached and I don’t know if it worked or not.

My approach

Write a simple page, where I can give the open graph tags and the page generates a unique url. I can share that url and see immediately, how they would be interpreted by the clients.

How far did I come?

This was the mockup I had in mind:


And this is what I managed to do until today:


What is working now is

I can create a unique url for a title and description
First Example First Example
I can share the url and see the results.
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How do you feel about the progress?

I am pretty happy. Today, I had to rush to finish this page, but overall I am on track. My goal is to have the development closed by next week, then I can focus the last week on marketing and content creation.